Improve Strategic Financial Planning

Finnt retrieves insights from your ERP and organizes them into your preferred formats (Excel, PPT…), overcoming data silos. It accelerates strategic financial planning freeing your teams to focus on improving predictions, and managing risk.

Liberate Your Team from Repetitive Work

You wouldn't do without the Internet.
Don't do without Artificial Intelligence.

Overcoming Data Silos

Streamlined Decision-Making

Finnt integrates with your ERP system to provide a holistic view of your data by transforming unstructured information into formats like Excel and PowerPoint.

This enables efficient decision-making, consolidating all relevant information for a holistic approach to strategic financial planning.

By overcoming data silos, Finnt supports streamlined cost analysis, effective cost-control measures, and cross-departmental collaboration.

Improving Predictions

Advanced Reporting and Analysis

Finnt enhances your reporting and analysis processes by highlighting variances, allowing your team to focus on predictions, strategies, and recommendations.

This capability leads to deeper insights and more accurate forecasts, driving financial efficiency and strategic success.

By streamlining cost analysis and cost-control measures, Finnt enhances overall financial planning and decision-making.

Efficient Report Building

Convey Strategic Messages

Finnt accelerates the report-building process by transforming manual, time-consuming tasks into streamlined workflows.

This efficiency allows your team to craft impactful messages, deepen analyses, and improve cross-departmental communication, enhancing overall financial efficiency.

By simplifying report creation and enabling easy cross-analysis of data, Finnt empowers your team to deliver impactful insights with ease.

Choose your preferred LLM

openai finnt
mistral finnt
google ai finnt
anthropic finnt
llama finnt

Built with compliance and security as first principles.​

Finnt operates with the highest standards in terms of security and data protection. Your data is encrypted end-to-end, and Finnt has native enterprise-grade security.

  • SOC-2 Certification

    Finnt is SOC-2 certified, attesting high standards in terms of data privacy, security, accessibility, and integrity.

  • Safe AI Processes

    Finnt ensures meticulous processes in data treatment with AI technology. No data of yours is used to train models.​

  • CCPA and GDPR Compliant

    Finnt warrants AI usage for you and your clients in compliance with local regulations.

Manual tasks drain your time and hinder effective analysis, reporting, and leadership.

We streamline manual processes, freeing you to focus on what truly matters.


Streamlined Analysis

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Analysts often spend excessive time on data retrieval and entry, leaving little for core tasks like analysis and strategy development. 

Finnt streamlines these processes, freeing analysts to focus on crafting strategies and recommendations for stakeholders.


Efficient Reporting

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Managers often spend too much time verifying data, leaving little for crafting effective narratives and messaging for stakeholders.

Finnt reduces repetitive tasks, enabling managers to focus on impactful storytelling and decision-making.


Leadership Focus

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CFOs and top managers spend excessive time on manual tasks instead of business partnering, straining organizational performance. 

Finnt’s AI-powered software automates these tasks, enabling leaders to concentrate on enhancing performance and strategic collaboration.

Transform Your Financial Operations

Finnt also enhances tedious tasks like invoice reconciliation, expense tracking, and performance analysis, freeing your team for strategic planning and impactful financial decisions. Learn more about how Finnt can streamline your financial processes.


Finnt solution is designed for finance professionals and tailored towards their unique problematics.