Business Plan Analysis

With Finnt, you no longer have to spend hours analyzing business plans using manual, time-consuming methods to build insightful memos and invest in revenue-bringing opportunities.

Raise your table stakes with Finnt

We handle the boring tasks, so you can enhance your investment workflows.

Clear Revenue Model

Pass over any comprehension hurdle and grasp business model immediately. Explore project viability and the financial opportunity in-depth.

Grasp opportunity

Self-Explanatory Services

Explore project’s products and services in-depth and confront them to a comprehensive market analysis of the target and sector. Display a detailed SWOT analysis.

Evaluate opportunity

Accurate Strategy Making

Assess risk thoroughly and present the appropriate strategy with accurate recommendations. Finnt offers fact-based analyses to help build your memo.

Unlock opportunity
optimize investment workflows With Finnt AI-powered software

Finnt for Business Plan Analysis

While business plans are an active part of investment decisions, they can quickly become brainers for professionals in finance.

Time-consuming, manual processes, complex business model and/or products and services slowdown efficiency, and eventually become a revenue blocker.

How we can help

Finnt’s AI-powered platform retrieves relevant insights following a custom framework tailored for business plan analysis.

We assist finance professionals in building the perfect memo for stakeholders. We retrieve relevant insights, simplify legalese and write out the memo in collaboration with the analyst.

Property Retrieval

Once you upload your business plan, and select the Business Plan Analysis framework, we retrieve document properties such as revenue model, risks in all departments (operations, strategic, legal), product/service description, market size, target audience, and more.

Memo Creation

After launching the analysis with the correct properties, Finnt's AI-powered tool will create a comprehensive memorandum with all the collected insights. Additionally, we'll provide fact-based analyses and strategies for your opportunity, accelerating your work.

Insight Sharing

Iterate at will on your final memorandum, with or without team collaboration and share your newfound insights with stakeholders. Your analysis stays on your dashboard so you can download, update or share it at any time.

Read on Finnt

Building Talent in Generative AI for Employees

Building Talent in Generative AI for Employees

June 17, 2024 Reports

This article retrieves main insights of McKinsey’s Building generative AI employee talent report.

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AI-powered Research & Analysis platform for Finance Professionals.


© 2024. Finnt, Inc. 333 S. E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000. Miami, FL – 33131